I saw Sarvani performing at the Bhavan Centre and I loved her performance very much. It was an invigorating and energetic program and Sarvani combines a brilliant technical aspect of the dance with beautifully expressed emotions and feelings.
She is a true classical dancer upholding the centuries long tradition and she is a wonderful and caring teacher, preparing new generations of classical dancers in London. I had a real pleasure to attend the performance of her students and watched how the art had been passed from the early age and the most basic elements to the fully accomplished teen age dancers, performing expertly interesting choreographies.
I hope to be able to see Sarvani perform in London again!
Marina Wright, LONDON MISCELLANY magazine
Dear Sarvani,
We would like to thank YOU for presenting the magnificent show, KRAMA on last Sunday (March 8th, 2015) and there are not enough words to express our gratitude for giving us unforgettable memories to be cherished forever. All our friends who came for the show couldn’t stop talking about how prominent dancer you are and the achievements you have made at this young age. One small sign which portrayed the success of this show at very early stage was how the hall was jam-packed even before the event started. Bhanu anchored the show beautifully.
Everyone was so flabbergasted by the choice of songs and your stunning choreography. It was a delight to the eyes watching the little ones charmingly dance to the steps, matching the rhythm. The way you narrated the tales behind every sequence took us to a different world altogether. The overwhelming reaction from the audience after each performance gave us goose bumps. My friends who traveled a long way to spend their Sunday afternoon with us were amused to see how well the event was organised and appreciated the superb time management. I am sure that most of the audiences would definitely have the same feeling as my friends. Thanks for managing and leading the whole event in a perfect manner.
Many thanks for inviting the guest artists from other Indian dance forms – Mohiniattam and Kathak.What a scintillating performance!
I have always seen you as a perfectionist. That characteristic of yours was shown predominantly in organizing the event, in systematic planning and execution making it a mammoth victory. With your responsibilities at work and home, we realize how hard you must have pushed yourself and put in additional efforts to organise KRAMA and we are truly overjoyed by the success. This event showcased how the little ones can be tuned to dance faultlessly if they are under the guidance of a dedicated and determined teacher like you. To be honest, we still wonder how you made all the kids execute their sequences without any hiccups!! A special mention and thanks to your husband Sashidhar, who is a moral support to you in each step you take.
Though our kid is in the dance school for almost a year now, I had been an acquaintance with most of the parents but this event changed everything. Starting from preparation, sharing the responsibilities, forming teams and arranging everything before the big day did the magic of building a bond between all the parents. Thanks for introducing us to a lovely bunch of people and bringing us together. I would take this as an opportunity to say my heartfelt thanks to all the parents for seeing each kid of SFA as their own and putting greatest efforts to create everything picture-perfect before, during and after the event.
KRAMA is a flawless event led by a wonderful Captain of the ship, Sarvani and thanks for making us a part of it
Kavitha & Arul
P.S: My daughter is excited about her first ever trophy. She has already taken it to school to show to her friends
Sarvani is a very talented , dedicated, and passionate dancer and we at Annappurna Indian dance are privileged to have worked with her in 2014..
She was involved with our very special touring project“-TALES FROM MYSTIC INDIA “ in venues across rural Scotland . She brought a wealth of creativity and talent with her and became an invaluable member of our team. She not only performed Kuchipudi dance which was of the highest standard but also collaborated with other artists in our company with great professionalism.
She played dual role as dance performer and NATUVANAR in our Bicycle With Bare Foot project which was one of the prestigious 47 headline events commissioned by YORKSHIRE FESTIVAL 2014 . She mesmerised the audiencess with her excellent performance and command on reciting the spoken rhythmic syllables of KUCHIPUDI dance which was greatly appreciated by the audience in three major festivals of Yorkshire – Halifax Festival ,Bradford festival and Hebden Bridge Arts Festival.
Shantha Rao-Director, Annapurna Indian Dance Company.
Since my childhood, I always get mesmerized by our Indian classical dance form Kuchipudi which is significantly unique due to its gracefulness and fluid movements. That has created a strong desire and passion within me to learn the dance form which happens to be “My Dream Come True moment” through my Guru- Sarvani Yadavalli. I must say that, it was definitely a fortune for me to have gotten the opportunity to learn the art form under her guidance as she is a wonderful Kuchipudi Dancer. Each time, I see her performing the art form so passionately, increases my desire to learn and master Kuchipudi as much as I could as each and every pose and expression given by her was so beautiful, mesmerizing and full of gracefulness. The most unforgettable moment throughout my journey with my Guru was when I was able to perform my solo performance in less than 2 years through vigorous and consistent training. It would not have been possible without her guidance, dedication and efforts as she always ensures that she is there to guide me and train me with all her heart. Indeed, my Guru also made me realize that Kuchipudi is not just a dance / art form but it is a beautiful language of soul and simplest yet powerful pathway towards happiness and inner freedom. Besides the valuable teaching and guidance by my Guru, she also has given me the best honor a student can get by allowing me to perform alongside with her for one of the prestigious performance in Kuala Lumpur which was the best memory in my life. She was not only a Guru but she was an amazing person who is well known for her down to earth personality despite being a world class Kuchipudi Dancer and performer. I am more than glad to be able to continue my journey till to date with her under her guidance and I wish to achieve many more milestones with her blessings.
“Madam, I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for all your guidance and I am proud to be your student and promise to make you proud by achieving significant recognition in this field. Thank You, Madam. “.
Priya, Student of SFA.